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Creamy Coffee

Chef Sarah Steffens

Creamy Coffee

Serves 1


We’re so glad that gone are the days of using skim milk in our coffee!  This rich and creamy coffee will give you the lift you want without the dizzying crash since it’s loaded with fats and protein.  Sweeten it up, if you prefer, with a bit of stevia or enjoy it as is! 


Prep Time: 2 minutes, plus time to brew coffee

Cooking Time: 0 minutes



 8-12 ounces of brewed coffee

1 large, raw egg yolk

¼ cup heavy whipping cream

¼ teaspoon of sea salt



 Add all ingredients to a blender.

 Blend on high until creamy and well combined.

 Pour into your favorite mug, using a baker’s spatula to pour the liquid first, reserving the foam to add to the top of your mug. 




Calories: 263

Carbs: 2

Net Carbs: 2

Protein: 4

Fat: 27