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Is Stress, Anxiety, or Trauma Behind Your Food Allergies & Autoimmune Condition?

Matt Cooper

We store our issues in our tissues. Ever had physical symptoms played out that coincided with stress? This is something that's been a major concept in Eastern Medicine, but some Western practitioners are starting to unweave the rainbow, themselves. These new understandings have helped us better understand disease pathology.

Stress (life stress, trauma, even overtraining) can assist in breeding an overactive nervous system, which intersects with other physiological systems, including the immune system. The extreme spectrum of these is what many doctors today would call neuroimmune disorders.


I find that often times, people can become 'allergic' or 'intolerant' to a multitude of foods due to stress/trauma rather than the aversion to the food being a permanent biological fixture.

Dealing with the root cause of the issue can create a positive downstream effect on these 'overreactions' to food sensitivities. This is great because it means that while you might not do well with some foods, your huge list of 'no's' become doable once again.

This is often the baselining work I'll do with some of my health restoration cases prior to focusing on performance or fitness-the goal is always to nudge them back towards being anti-fragile so we can focus on fitness, performance, and simply living life without inconveniences day-to-day.


That being said, there are some foods that don't have a place in the human body. Fast food is one example, but food quality and sourcing goes beyond just fast food. The degradation of the American food supply is real.


Pumping excess shit in food, growing it, modifying it, processing it, etc.-there are many ways in which this happens. Getting the same, dependable nutrients out of food involves ensuring you're sourcing properly.

Some foods I just don't recommend eating (at least the American version), such as wheat/gluten. This is one that's fucked up regardless of immunological/nervous system interactions and beyond. One of the working theories here is that many issues are caused and/or exacerbated because of the differences in how these things are made, from genetic modifications to pesticide pumping. Many can go to Europe and have wheat-containing foods without issue.


You might not be wheat/gluten intolerant, but you're bullshit intolerant. Call it what it is. The reality is that technology is there to create a wheat/gluten-free version without forfeiting taste. These are simply texturing agents after all-this one mostly just comes down to drawing a line and discipline. If you have the discipline to hit the gym, court, field, etc. to achieve your goals, you can do the same when you eat.



Be all for the living-the palate is one of the gifts we have been given in life-but do so sensibly. We all love food, but if you’re going to eat it, do your best to make it count and not cross a few key lines.

Remember we all have different starting points here-managing your stress is step one. Reintroducing foods is step two. Eventually getting back to some of those favorite foods that may represent more significant dietary insults can be a step three to look forward to. The important thing is to not get locked into your current state and think that’s your destiny.